Founder’s Personal Message

The Company has developed around the experience of the founder, Gordon C Anderson.

“Our aim is to provide high quality management training and management consulting services to meet the requirements of client organizations.
Our intention is to underpin these services with research, to ensure that all services are up-to-date, in line with international standards and relevant to the needs of modern organizations.”

Who we are?

Gordon Anderson Consulting is a management consulting and training company, registered in the UK, which was set up by its owner/founder, Gordon Anderson, who has many years of management consulting and training experience, gained in the UK, the Middle East, South-East Asia and Cyprus.

Born in Scotland, and educated in Scotland, the USA and France, he has a number of publications, including “Managing Performance Appraisal systems” published by Blackwell, Oxford, England, and “Making the Most of People” written jointly with Robin Evenden, and published by Addison Wesley, Wokingham, England.

Training and consulting services are offered in the UK, in Cyprus and in some overseas locations.

Our Services

Training is provided on subjects for the tourism industry, and on human resource management topics including performance management and performance appraisals.
The Company has been rated as a leading Mystery Shopping organization, with a wealth of experience, and a large number of successfully completed assignments.
Consulting services are offered on management subjects including performance management and performance appraisal systems.
Coaching and mentoring can be provided to individuals and organizations. Consulting and training services are offered to help organizations in setting up coaching & mentoring systems.
Services are provided by Gordon C. Anderson or by one of his Associates or Collaborative Organizations.